Deep Dive with Shawn C. Fettig

'After America' Trailer 2

Sea Tree Media

'After America' - a Sea Tree Media limited pocast series coming this summer.

Could democracy in America be a mere house of cards? This summer, our series "After America" paints a stark and urgent portrait of a future United States, where the very pillars of freedom crumble under the weight of corruption and power abuse. As we chart a course through this dystopian vision, we're not just spinning a tale of fiction; we're issuing a clarion call to recognize and confront the fragilities in our current political system. The echoes of January 6th loom large in our narrative, serving as a foreboding reminder of democracy's vulnerability to those who would seek to undermine it for their own gain.

Follow this podcast series, coming in late June, as we unravel a world where surveillance is omnipresent, opposition is a dangerous game, and the rule of law bends to the whims of those who control the levers of power. Through chilling discussions and expert analysis, we explore the dire consequences of a democracy undone—not only for the institutions that uphold it but for the very social fabric that weaves us together. With a former president as a specter in the backdrop, "After America" offers an imperative exploration into the endurance of American democracy and the resilience it requires from each of us to prevent the reality from becoming as grim as our speculation. And, ultimately, we seek to answer the question - What does America look like if democracy fails?

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Imagine waking up in an America where fear and oppression have replaced security and liberty, where dissent is silenced and the free press muzzled, where the courts are stacked with partisan judges who rubber-stamp the regime's agenda and where elections are a sham rigged to keep the ruling party in power indefinitely. Envision an America where the surveillance state monitors your every move, online and off, where paramilitaries loyal to the leader patrol the streets and where neighbors inform on neighbors and no one feels safe to speak their mind In this dystopian future. The economy is warped to benefit the ruling elite, corruption runs rampant as cronies get rich off government contracts and inequality soars to new heights, while the middle class withers away. Meanwhile, the social fabric unravels. Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia become enshrined in official policy, minorities face persecution while demagogues scapegoat the vulnerable, and armed militias proliferate as the country descends into a patchwork of tribal enclaves.


Donald Trump a former president, wannabe autocrat and architect of the coup attempt on January 6th 2021, stands as a Republican nominee for president, once again brazenly campaigning against the very constitution he swore to protect and defend, and railing against the rule of law and the will of the people. He says you're not going to be a dictator, are you? I said no, no, no other than day one. And so we have to ask ourselves how fragile is American democracy? If the unthinkable were to happen, if our democratic institutions were to crumble, were to fail, what would remain and what would take its place? Where are you, nancy? We're looking for you. Nancy, nancy, nancy, after America, a C Media limited series podcast production coming this summer.

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